The First (and last) email you need to feel smarter and better about life...

If you want unfiltered, homemade, melt-your-face infotainment — with a strong mixer of mindful marketing tips, neuroplasticity shortcuts for lasting transformation, and unbelievable life stories from a heavily mentored and internationally certified neuroplasticity and messaging coach...

Then welcome home.

"[Tamara] stands out from hundreds of others because of her ambition and rapid growth. Labeling her a copywriter is actually selling her short. She's a humble, hungry, and self-aware problem-solver who can craft creative and converting copy, yet also lend a hand with SEO, strategy, branding, tech, and more." Clay Manly, World Renowned Copywriter, Mentor, and Author of Be The One

"It's very rare that you work with somebody who makes a tweak, gives you an instant ROI and the work is still not complete... I highly recommended Tamara if you ... already know all of the business stuff, but you need somebody to take it from good to great. " Drasko, Founder UplevelMind

Tamara Gabbard, MCMA

Who am I?

(and why should you care?)

Well, I have an acronym after my name. So, that makes me important, obviously. That's also proof that I'm a member of a super secret community that helps people rewire their brains and bodies to heal and thrive in this wicked world without selling their souls.

So, now that we're acquainted...

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(Yep, that's the name. And I bet you know exactly what you're getting... 1st lesson: Clarity!)

"Damn you write well and clearly." David Deutsch

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